To 80% Των Φοιτητών Δεν Αξίζουν Να Πάνε Πανεπιστήμιο

Το υποστηρίζει ο κοινωνιολόγος Τσάρλς Μάρεϊ. Κάποτε θα διαφωνούσα.

You’re not the first social scientist to knock the liberal arts, but you may be the first to insist that only 20 percent of all college students have the brains and abilities to understand their assigned reading.

Eighty percent are not able to deal with college-level material, traditionally understood. Someone can sit down with Paul Samuelson’s textbook and stare at the pages and know what most of the words mean. That does not mean that they walk away from it understanding economics as it is taught in the textbook.